Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Activity for 15th April 2009

1530 – 1535All guides to assemble at the small field beside rifle range by 1530.
1535 – 1600* March must be done proper – legs and hands must be in line with whoever is in front.
* No fulfilment of the above, redo the whole roll call.

Proper roll-call to be done (includes the CL being in stationary position while waiting for PLs to report, attendance taking, etc)
- March done by PL to be carried out properly.
- Patrol while waiting for roll call to be done are to be in ‘sediah’ position. (legs should not be slanted.)
- During roll call, check that all members have half uniform, if not, they MUST do 20 star jumps after horse shoe formation. Star jumps will be accumulated with 5 more each time a member did not turn up in half-uniform. Sec. 1 guides will wear their full uniform until the guides uniform has been ordered.
All PLs: please note that during roll call, when you walk down the roll, it is to take both attendance and to check attire and appearance.
- After roll-call is done, carry out horse shoe formation.

At horse shoe formation, all are to stand at ease.
The following is to be done while all are at ease:
announcements are made:

o CL to check that the Secondary Ones have done at least 30 good turns
Secondary Ones can proceed on to doing activities in the 5 point programme after they have completed 95 % of the enrolment tests.
- Submit hardcopy of planning for senior’s farewell:
- Food
- Design for souvenir
- Design for invitation card
- Storyboard of video
- Outline of activity conducted during the farewell
- Sec 3 to teach Sec 1 to do gadgets / songs.
(Anne, Contessa & Brenda to be in charge)
Sec 2 to learn some of the common songs and cheers for Guides and do suggested test work (15 mins)
(Miss Goh, Jiaman to be in charge)
- Sec 2 to report to hardcourt for 1st training on Parade command.

Checking of guide handbook by Miss Goh
- Signing of completed tasks or consultation with regards to what they have already done.

AOB (any other business)
1600 – 1640Complete the tasks assigned
1640 – 1715Ball Games
Captain’s Ball [no changing of groups]
1715 – 1725Colours Down
Semester 2: Girl Guides Duty for Morning Assembly
1725 – 1730Singing of TAPS

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