Sunday, April 19, 2009

Farewell Gathering for seniors
Date: 20 May (Wed)
Time: 1430 - 1730 h
Venue: To be confirmed

Good Luck for Examinations

To All STC Guides,

CCA has stopped for the term to enable you to concentrate on you SA1. Please put in your best effort and do well in your SA1.
Be attentive in class especially for the next few weeks so that you can consolidate your learning and be disciplined in your management of time.

May God bless you all & see you at our next meeting - Our Farewell Gathering.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Instructions after Last Meeting 15th April 2009

To all:

Hand in hardcopy of planning for seniors farewell
  • Design of Invitation Card
  • Design of Souvenir for seniors
  • Write-up of food items
  • Storyboard of video that is to be screened during the farewell
  • Write-up of activity that is going to be done during the senior's farewell
Please pass it to Miss To Goh / Mrs. Francis / Mrs. Teo

Please also pass the message to ask everyone to hand in the Girl Guides Carnival coupons.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Activity for 15th April 2009

1530 – 1535All guides to assemble at the small field beside rifle range by 1530.
1535 – 1600* March must be done proper – legs and hands must be in line with whoever is in front.
* No fulfilment of the above, redo the whole roll call.

Proper roll-call to be done (includes the CL being in stationary position while waiting for PLs to report, attendance taking, etc)
- March done by PL to be carried out properly.
- Patrol while waiting for roll call to be done are to be in ‘sediah’ position. (legs should not be slanted.)
- During roll call, check that all members have half uniform, if not, they MUST do 20 star jumps after horse shoe formation. Star jumps will be accumulated with 5 more each time a member did not turn up in half-uniform. Sec. 1 guides will wear their full uniform until the guides uniform has been ordered.
All PLs: please note that during roll call, when you walk down the roll, it is to take both attendance and to check attire and appearance.
- After roll-call is done, carry out horse shoe formation.

At horse shoe formation, all are to stand at ease.
The following is to be done while all are at ease:
announcements are made:

o CL to check that the Secondary Ones have done at least 30 good turns
Secondary Ones can proceed on to doing activities in the 5 point programme after they have completed 95 % of the enrolment tests.
- Submit hardcopy of planning for senior’s farewell:
- Food
- Design for souvenir
- Design for invitation card
- Storyboard of video
- Outline of activity conducted during the farewell
- Sec 3 to teach Sec 1 to do gadgets / songs.
(Anne, Contessa & Brenda to be in charge)
Sec 2 to learn some of the common songs and cheers for Guides and do suggested test work (15 mins)
(Miss Goh, Jiaman to be in charge)
- Sec 2 to report to hardcourt for 1st training on Parade command.

Checking of guide handbook by Miss Goh
- Signing of completed tasks or consultation with regards to what they have already done.

AOB (any other business)
1600 – 1640Complete the tasks assigned
1640 – 1715Ball Games
Captain’s Ball [no changing of groups]
1715 – 1725Colours Down
Semester 2: Girl Guides Duty for Morning Assembly
1725 – 1730Singing of TAPS

Tying a Scarf