Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Singapore Youth Olympics Games 2010 Interest Patch

Singapore Youth Olympic Games 2010 Interest Patch is a new interest patch that is launched so as to create greater awareness of the YOG among our members and also to promote the 3 Olympic values of friendship, excellence and respect which are in line with our Guides Law.

The design of the interest patch is shown below:

The structure to obtain the interest patch is based on 5 main areas:
  • Volunteer Work - Community Involvement
  • History of Olympic Games
  • YOG Sports
  • Traditional/National Games
  • Traditions & Culture

The clause for Guides in obtaining the interest patch are as follows:
Do any one clause of the following:

Volunteer Work
  • As volunteers [6 hrs CIP, not necessarily at a stretch. The CIP may be in the form of hosting someone from the participating National Olympic Committee (NOC). The Guide will log her activities that she does with her guest during the hosting period].
  • Understand the meaning of volunteerism and be able to discuss this with her tester.

History of Olympic Games
  • Develop and imaginative way, such as a song, skit, rap, dance, etc. to tell the history of the Olympic Games, in ancient and contemporary times, to your unit. Find at least five similarities that exist between the Olympic Spirit and the values of Girl Guiding.
  • Find out about Singapore 2010 (e.g. the 3 Olympic values of friendship, excellence and respect that it promotes). Make a presentation of at least 10 things about Singapore 2010 that you feel everyone should know at one of your meetings.

YOG Sports
  • Fair play, respect for others, self respect, persistence, pursuit of excellence, a balanced body, will and mind, leadership and fitness of skills are all qualities of a successful athlete. Play a YOG team sport that incorporates the above-mentioned qualities and also promotes the message of peace and friendship. Run the sport on equal and fair terms for all athletes.
Traditional/National Sports
  • Find out about a traditional dance, form of music or at least 2 customs/traditions practiced in your school’s twinned NOC/NOC of choice. Demonstrate it at one of your meetings.
Traditions & Games
  • Carry out an exchange of ideas about Singapore’s many traditions and cultural practices with that of others (e.g. compare and contrast the traditions practiced by Singapore Indians with the Indians living in North or South India). Share your findings with your unit.

It is compulsory for all guides to do this interest patch as part of our company's aim to perform better in guiding. In patrol, please choose a clause in which you want to work on. Submit a draft plan (photocopy) of what you wish to do and how you are going to approach doing the clause on the 29th July 2009 (Wednesday) to Miss Goh.

Best regards,
Miss Goh

Singapore Youth Olympics Games 2010 Patch